“Not Lil, Not Young”
Publications are how and where my photos work best.
“Not Lil, Not Young” is going to be a loosely defined series.
I am planning to work with different formats, techniques and print runs.
Physical copies are the best but often hard to get, we all know how it is.
This is the place where I am going to upload pdfs, spreads and documentation.
The first installment is entitled Heimat Trippin’ and is about traveling from Germany (where we live) to Poland (where we are from). It is a newspaper print zine and was available for free at “Ausnahmezustand. Polnische Fotokunst heute” exhibtion at Zentrum fur Aktuelle Kunst in Berlin (IX.2022-I.2023).
One and a half hours.
This is how long it takes to drive from Poland to Berlin, the city we
have chosen to live.
The potatoes and apples taste alike.
The architecture comparable.
The trees interchangeable.
Still we miss home.
Friends and family pool us back.
Sometimes we rent a car, sometimes we board a train.
Going to Poland now feels strange.
I know every street, every corner but at the same time I’m a tourist.
A semi-stranger noticing a social structure that was invisible before.
Waves of nostalgia rise up in the most unexpected ways.
I anticipated to miss the things I love but missing the irks and the
irritants comes as a surprise.
Uneven sidewalks, empty beaches, the jokes, the nuance I understand.
Bad advertising, road closures, cold rain and rude people.
Home is where it hurts. Germany does not hurt yet.
Tripping on my Heimat.
Layout by Full Metal Jacket Studio/RH.plus
2022. 32 pages, 280x410mm, 3000 copies.
Download a full pdf here or click through the gallery below.